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ملخص كتاب الانجليزي ثالث ثانوي اليمن 2025 pdf


ملخص كتاب اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الثانوي اليمن للعام 2025-1446 pdf. ملخص كتاب الانجليزي ثالث ثانوي المنهج اليمني. ملخص

تعريفات القسم العلمي والأدبي


أ - تعريفات

  1. A valley ) وادي( is a place between two hills.

2- A desert ) صحراء ( is a place where nothing or very little grows.

  1. A peak ) قمة ( is the highest part of a mountain
  • A plough ) محراث ( is a tool which is used for turning the soil over.
  1. Rama is a cross between a male camel and a female Llama.
  • Synonyms are words with the same meaning

7- Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning.

: A forest ) غابة ( is a very large wood.

و A drought )جفاف ( is a shortage of water after a long period with no rain.

10-A flood ) فيضان ( is deep water over normally dry land.

11-A flash flood ) ( is very quick deep water in a wadi in the mountains.

12-An epidemic ) وباء ( is an illness that spreads quickly and effects many people.

13-A volcano ) بركان ( is a mountain with a hole in the top.

14-A volcanic eruption ) ثورة بركان ) is the explosion of molten rocks.

15- A famine ) مجاعة( is a shortage of food.

16-A hurricane is a powerful storm with strong winds.

17- The crust ) قشرة الأرض ( is the hard rock surface of the earth.

18-A fault line) خط الزلزال is the place where two plates meet causing an earthquake.

19- An earthquake )الزلزال is the shaking of the earth's surface.

20-plates ) الصفائح ( are sections طبقات ( into which the earth crust is divided.

21-Richter scale is an instrument which is used for measuring the strength of an earthquake.

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