الرئيسة » الرئيسية » المنهج السعودي » الفصل الدراسي الثاني » ثالث المتوسط » مادة الانجليزي »

كتاب الانجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الثاني 1446

انظم الى قناة الثالث المتوسط في التليجرام
  • تنزيل كتاب اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث المتوسط الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1446 pdf. تحميل كتاب الانجليزي ثالث متوسط ف2 .
  • Jamal frequently exercises. (seldom)
  • Ibrahim constantly talks on the phone, (rarely)
  • My brother occasionally checks his email. (often) 3. I sometimes surf on the Internet, (once in a while)
  • Qassim always arrives at work on time (hardly ever)
  • Maha usually drinks tea instead of coffee. (from time to time)
    Majid: How often do you go to the gym? Omar: I work out every day, except weekends I'm a bit of an exercise freak
  • Majid: Exercise turns me off
  • Omar: Anyway, what are you doing now?
  • Majid: I'm checking my email
  • Omar: How much time do you spend on the Internet?
  • Majid: A lot I take my smartphone with me wherever I go. My friends say that my smartphone is really my best friend. You see, I can access the internet almost everywhere. Real Talk
  • exercise freak someone who exercises a lot
  • tum (someone) off does not interest at all
  • Anyway a word to introduce a change in topic Your Ending
  • What do you think Omar onswers?
  • 1 I prefer to exercise my body, not my thumb.
  • 2 only use my computer to send and
  • receive email (3) don't have a cell phone. I don't want
  • people calling me all the time
  • (4) Your idea.
  • Do College Students Have a Healthy Lifestyle?
  • The majority of college students seem to be quite healthy. They don't suffer from health issues that older people have because they are still young. However, that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to improve their lifestyle. We carried out research at a local college to find the truth about students lifestyle: their eating, sleeping, and exercise habits.
  • Our findings below show that the Average Student Diet differs greatly from that of a Healthy Diet, A healthy diet contains plenty of fresh produce, and moderate amounts of protein and grains. Yet, the diet of most students consists mainly of rice and noodles. It also contains a lot of fried food, which suggests that they eat too much fast food and need to add more fresh fruit and vegetables to their diet. Average Student Dlel Vignaies Fut Hesithy Diet
  • Getting the required amount of sleep is another important factor in students' health. Studies. 20 have shown that it has a positive effect on memory and concentration, We recorded the sleeping habits of three college students for one semester. The Sleep and Test Scores results in the graph below support this theory: when the students got enough sleep, their exam scores were much higher. On average, however, most of them only get about six hours of sleep every night.
  • as Finally, we interviewed students to find out how much they exercise. The Student Exercise graph below shows that the majority work out for at least 30 minutes a day. This is positive, because students who get enough exercise are usually happier, more energetic, and find it easier to pay attention.
  • Unfortunately, many college students are so busy focusing on their studies that they don't 10 take time to look after themselves. All it takes is some good time management. Healthy habits can help them succeed in their classes, so they should try to get enough sleep, eat well, and exercise. People in the News

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