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ملخص انجليزي خامس ابتدائي الفصل الثاني ف2 1446 pdf

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  • ملخص الانجليزي الصف الخامس الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثاني 1446 pdf - ملخص انجليزي خامس ابتدائي فصل ثاني ف2.

ملخص انجليزي خامس ف 2

  • Rearrange the words to form sentences or questions:

1- waited the bus-1-for

2- he the movie?

like Did

B- Complete the information about a story:

on the top of a mountain -

We climbed the mountain, but we were scared. -

an old man and two young friends -

The Kind Man -

Hello, children. Do you need some help?
IV. Grammar:

A- Choose the correct answer:

1-He (play-plays-played) soccer yesterday.

2-He didn't (play plays played) soccer.

3-He (laughs laughed) at my joke last night.
4-She (didn't call - didn't called) her mom.

5-(Does-Did) he send an e-mail last week?

6-Did you (invite invited) your friends?
1-what(did-does-doing) you do yesterday?

2-She didn't (watch-watched-watching) TV.

3-My dad (fix-fixed-fixes) my computer last week.

4-I didn't (watered wateringwater) the plants.

5- My best friend (e-mail emails - e-mailed) me yesterday.
C. Put() or (X)

1- They like to jump rope. ( )

2- She watered the flowers every day ()

3-The boy is in trouble because he broke the vase. ( )

D. reorder.



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