توزيع منهج الانجليزي للصف الثاني الثانوي مسارات الفصل الدراسي الاول 1446 pdf , توزيع مادة الانجليزي - التعليم الثانوي - نظام المسارات - السنة الثانية الترم الاول 2024 .
توزيع وحدات ودروس الانجليزي ثاني الثانوي مسارات ف1
Listen and Discuss + Pair work Conversation
Listening + About you
Connected by Technology: Listen and Discuss + Pair work
Connected by Technology: Vocabulary Building
Connected by Technology: Listen and Discuss Pair work
Connected by Technology: Reading + Speaking
Connected by Technology: Grammar
Connected by Technology: Conversation
Connected by Technology: writing
Connected by Technology: Form, Meaning and Function
Connected by Technology: Listening + Pronunciation
Connected by Technology: Project + Self Reflection
Crime Doesn't Pay: Listen and Discuss Pair work
Crime Doesn't Pay: Listen and Discuss + Pair work
Crime Doesn't Pay: Grammar
Crime Doesn't Pay: Vocabulary
Building Crime Doesn't Pay: Reading +
Crime Doesn't Pay: Grammar
Crime Doesn't Pay: Conversation
Farand Away: Listen and Discuss + Pair work
Crime Doesn't Pay: Listening + Pronunciation
Speaking Crime Doesn't Pay: writing
and Function Crime Doesn't Pay: Forin, Meaning
Far and Away: Listen and Discuss
Pair work Far and Away: Grammar Far and Away: Grammar Far and Away: Conversation Far and Away: Listening + Pronunciation Crime Doesn't Pay: Project Self Reflection Far and Away: Reading + Building Speaking 9th week Far and Away: Vocabulary Far and Away: Writing Far and Away: Form, Meaning and Function Far and Away: Project + Self Reflection TV Around the World: Reading + TV Around the World: Listen and Discuss + Pair work TV Around the World: Grammar TV Around the World Conversation TV Around the World: Listening + Pronunciation IV Around the World: Vocabulary Building إجازة نهاية أسبوع مطولة Speaking TV Around the World: writing and Function TV Around the World: Form, Meaning TV Around the World: Project Self Reflection EXPANSION Units 1-4 Evaluation the exams