رابط تحميل مباشر لكتاب الطالب+ التدريبات+كتاب المعلم في اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس ليبيا للعام الدراسي 1446-2025. تنزيل كتاب اللغة الاتجليزية الصف السادس ليبيا.
محتوى كتاب الطالب اللغة الانجليزية الصف السادس ليبيا
يحتوي كتاب الطالب على الوحدات والدروس التالية:-
Unit 1 Family and Work
Unit 2 What is it?
Unit 3 Health and Fitness
Unit 4 Revision (1)
Unit 5 Then and Now
Unit 6 Food and Drink
Unit 7 Celebrate!
Unit 8 Revision (2)
Word list
Listen to and learn names for family relationships,
Listen to and learn names of jobs.
Listen to match jobs and places of work.
Listen to follow reasons for job choices,
Listen to check information about two families.
Listen to a story about jobs.
Ask and answer questions about family members (How old …? How many …).
Ask and answer questions about places of work.
Talk about jobs and places of work.
Say what you want to be (I want to be a(n)… because …).
Express opinions about job pictures.
Read about family relationships, jobs and places of work.
Read about family members' routines. Read and identify jobs.
Read and extract information about two families.
Read a story about jobs.
Write the names of family members.
Write the names of jobs.
Complete sentences about places of work.
Answer questions about a family.
Write questions about Anwer's family.
Write sentences about two families.
Write a paragraph about your family following a model.
Learn to spell four words (aunt, uncle, easy, interesting).
Select six new words for "My new words' from Unit 1 to remember and spell.
To identify new characters To learn names for family. relationships
To ask/answer about family
How old/Hone many… do you! does he havet
Pupil's Book pages 8-9 Activity Book pages 4-5 Track 1
Listen, point and say these family words. mine
Ask pupils to open the Pupil's Book on page 8.
Ask what they can see (family tree). Pupils don't know this word, but you can demonstrate how the relationships are like the branches of a tree. Point to the illustration labelled Me and tell
pupils that this boy's name is Anwer-write his name on the board. Give pupils time to look at the family tree and
read the words there and in the box at the top of the page.
Ask for volunteers to read out the words in the box. Alternatively, say each word and ask pupils to point as you say.
Tell the class they are going to listen to Anwer talking about his family. Pause the recording after each speaker so that pupils can point to the people and say each family word,
2 Listen again and write the family words under the correct pictures. 6 mins
Play Track 1 agam and let pupils write the
words in the gaps under the pictures,
Check the answers by saying a number (at random) and getting pupil responses
See if pupils can tell you the names of Anwer's saster and brother (Dama and Ali) and his two cousins (Taher and Hiba).
مكن حل 69
ممكن حل 69
عفوا ممكن حل كتاب 32كله ف اقرب وقت
ممكن لوسمحتو كتاب الاجتماعيات للصف السادس الابتدائي ليبيا
موجود ال
كيف انزل إلى المدكرة
اريد اجابه عن بعض الاسئلة في قةاعد اللغه الانجليزيه