الرئيسة » الرئيسية » المنهج السعودي » الفصل الأول » الثالث المتوسط » مادة الانجليزي »

ملخص انجليزي الثالث المتوسط فصل اول 1446

انظم الى قناة الثالث المتوسط في التليجرام
  • ملخص مادة الانجليزي للصف الثالث المتوسط الفصل الدراسي الاول 1446-2024 pdf , ملخص الانجليزي ثالث متوسط الفصل الاول 1446.
  • فهرس ملخص الانجليزي
  • A. Choose the correct answer.
  • 1-I always (do does doing) my homework in the afternoon.
  • 2-Sarah (eat- eats ate) chocolate morning, noon, and night.
  • 3- How (many old-much) time do you spend in the shower?
  • 4- These books are all Mona's. (All - None - both) of them belong to me.
  • 5-(Neither - All - both) of them is a teacher.
  • 6-(Do-Does - Are) Saad usually watch T.V in the morning?
  • A. choose the correct answer.
  • 1- Mark likes to work out. He's really into exercise and fitness. He's (an exercise freak -a devoted employee)
  • 2- Jake never eats meat. He's (an Internet addict- a vegetarian).
  • 3- Ali is online all the time, even in the park! He is(an exercise freak- an Internet addict)
  • 4-Saeed always works on the weekend. He's (a devoted employee - a vegetarian). bulary

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