1-Noura stayed home.
2-They played computer games.
3-You practiced on the trampoline.
4-1 cleaned my room.
5-Ali cooked breakfast.
6-He kicked a ball for three hours.
7-He watched a DVD about sharks.
8-Fahad studied for six hours.
Fill in the blanks with How much or How many:
1 flour do we need to make a cake? 3 cups.
2 …tomatoes are there in the fridge? 6 tomatoes.
3/ apples do we need for the apple pie? I don't know.
4milk do you drink in the morning? About 2 cups.
Fill in the blanks with some or any:
1 We have…sugar, but we don't have…..milk.
2/ There is. orange juice in the kitchen.
3/ There isn't. …oil in the bottle.
4/ There are. chocolates in the box.
Categorize the following sentences good things or bad things:
1-We were stuck in an elevator.
2-1 saw a rainbow.
3-1 got first place in a race.
4-1 caught a cold.
5-1 made a rocket.
6-1 broke my leg.