هل تريد تنزيل كتاب انجليزي للصف الثاني الثانوي القسم الادبي المنهج الليبي الجديد 2025 برابط تحميل مباشر ومجانا وبصيغة pdf.
محتوى الكتاب
With your partner prepare a poster on one of the most popular events you know. Include: Where and when the event Jokes place, Types of activities held in the event.
How long the event lasts. What the event celebrates.
D Write a list of festivala and celebrations in your country which you could write about. e.g.. Eid, Independence Day, a wedding, etc. Work with a partner. Choose a testival or celebration you both want to write an essay about. Write a list of things to describe in the essay. The list can be in any order. It doesn't need detail yet.
My cown's weddeg
what was special about the wedding
here was the party?
how long did it last!
E Decide on the order of fopics in your essay. Use numbering
My caudin's wedding
what wat special about the wedding
where was the party
how long did it last?
Write an introduction. This could give some background information, eg.. the origin or date of the festival/celebration you have chosen.
GWrite the other paragraphs of the essay. Start a new paragraph for each new topic:
H Write the full essay in 100-150 words. Remember to add a conclusion. This could be your personal opinion of the festival or celebration Add photos to your essay if you can.
Lesson 8: Describing Yourself
A Complete the santences with prepositions from the box.
about from with in of
Are you excited the holidays?
2 was really pleased my presents
3 I'm sorry The mess in the room
4 Layla looks I'm worried her.
We've been watching TV for an hour. I'm bored
Are you afraid snakes?
7 Was she angry the e-mail?
You shouldn't be jealous I'm not interested Anmmar. He has protilems foo History but I like Geography,