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كتاب اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثالث الثانوي في ليبيا 2025 علمي

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  • هل تريد تنزيل كتاب الانجليزي للصف الثالث الثانوي علمي المنهج الليبي الجديد 2025 برابط تحميل مباشر ومجانا وبصيغة pdf.
  • محتوى الكتاب
  • Here are some of the things you practised in Unit 1. Discuss each item with a partner. Take turns to give another example.
  • Now, you con:
  • use expressions to explain sickness or injury
  • I've got a broken leg. I fractured it in a motorbike accident.
  • My shoulder hurts. I did it playing tennis.
  • I've got a bad wrist. I sprained it lifting weights at the gym.
  • talk about things in the past that are no longer true and give opinions using used to infinitive.
  • Families used to be bigger.
  • The health service used to be better.
  • There didn't use to be so much pollution in cities.
  • give opinions and connect sentences using linking phrases.
  • In my opinion, there's almost nothing that's worse for your health than this habit.
  • Secondly, that people are eating food that contains too much fat, sugar and salt.
  • Last but not least, the government should not give free health care to people who don't take care of themselves.
  • describe specific actions using phrasal verbs.
  • He gave up smoking when he got ill.
  • I'll pick you up at half past seven.
  • use word groups to remember words.
  • use suitable adjectives and adverbs to describe feeling and condition.
  • What does a police officer do? With a partner, list as many activities as you can think of in two minutes. Use the pictures to help you.
  • B A police officer has given a falk to a school class about his job. As part of the talk, he gave out an information pack to the students. Read the extracts from the information pack below. What activities does he mention? How many are the same as your ideas?
  • People have to follow the law so that we can all live together safely. There are a lot of different laws, so police officers have a lot of different duties. Some officers direct traffic to make sure that drivers can use the roads easily and without having accidents. They also use radar speed guns to identify people who are driving too fast. This is very important. Drivers mustn't speed because speeding is one of the leading causes of death on the road. Police officers also check that drivers and passengers are wearing their seat belts. Some people get angry because they don't like to wear them, but seat belts can prevent serious injuries if you have an accident. So remember, when you get into a car, you must wear your seat belt!
  • Of course, police officers also investigate crimes like robberies. When there has been a crime, police officers are sent to the place where it happened. They need to look for evidence, like fingerprints and footprints, which can be used to identify and arrest the criminal. Of course, they don't have to recognize the fingerprints themselves! There are fingerprint experts who do that. Police officers also have to ask a lot of questions. They interview witnesses who they think might have information about the crime. Witnesses can help the police by telling them what a criminal looks like or what time a crime was committed.
  • Police officers try to prevent crimes as well as solve crimes. They often watch places where they think crimes are likely to happen. For example, crowded areas attract pickpockets who try to steal people's wallets. Shops that sell expensive items also attract thieves. But police officers also help people with everyday problems. For example, if you're lost, you needn't worry, you can just ask a police officer for directions!

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