نموذج اختبار ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني انجليزي 1446 pdf و word - اختبار الانجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني مع نموذج الاجابة.
حل اختبار ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني انجليزي
اختبار الفترة الانجليزي ثاني متوسط ف2 _ اختبار ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني انجليزي.
اختبار ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني Comprehension Read the text and answer the questions. Write T or F at the end of each question/statement. Police Department Witness Report Incident: Motor Vehicle Accident Witness: Larry Johnson There was an accident at the corner of Main Street and Oak Street last night. A car crashed into The Café. The accident happened around 6:30 P.M. I saw it happen. I was at the bus stop across the street. A car drove through the intersection very fast. Someone started to walk across the street. The driver couldn’t stop. He turned and crashed into the café. Fortunately, no one was hurt. I was scared and worried about the people in the café. But everyone was OK. It was the driver’s fault. He was driving too fast. The car drove too fast. (T) The driver was talking on his cell phone. (F) The driver was hurt. (F) The witness walked across the street. (F)
Grammar Choose the best answer to fill in the blank in each question. The museum exhibit was _ interesting. a. absolutely b. completely c. really d. totally Mariam: What did you buy at the store yesterday? Alexa: I _ a pair of shoes. a. buy b. will buy c. did buy d. bought _ Mike visit his grandmother last night? a. Did b. Does c. Are d. none _ are you worried? a. Why b. When c. What d. Where Manager: Why are you late? Worker: _ an accident on the highway this morning. a. Were there b. There were c. Was there d. There was